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We at SDEX take pride in the fact that we are closely involved with DPIIT and IIFT in the overall design of the digitalization of the various trade documents. In keeping with the essence of the same, here are the core principal that SDEX platform adheres to

SDEX's Partnership with DPIIT and IIFT for G20 BHARAT 2023 INDIA

G20 Design Principles for Digitalization of Trade documents


Digitalization initiatives for trade documents should remain unbiased towards any specific technology, software or system. They should ensure the immutability and interoperability of data for seamless communication and exchange across diverse systems.


The technology/framework based on defined rules and procedures should enable transparency, accountability and a single source of truth for the generation and exchange/transfer of digital version of the documents.


The SDEX technology, including its related digital infrastructure to ensure interoperability and seamless exchange of document(s) between or among the transacting parties and other stakeholders, adopts suitable frameworks/standards, common protocols and application interfaces.


To ensure the security of the data related to the digital version of the document(s), the SDEX technology, including the related digital infrastructure should adopt robust encryption and other security protocols to endure any cyber security threats or data thefts.


To accommodate growth and shifting trade conditions, new technologies, digital version of the documents must be scalable, able to handle extensive data volumes and transaction numbers.


The SDEX technology should provide adequate flexibility to conform to the preferred standards or agreed terms to facilitate collaboration among governments, financial institutions, transacting parties, technology providers and other stakeholders.


The SDEX technology conform to the postulates of encapsulation and abstraction and therefore confined only to the data related to the generation /exchange of digital version of document(s). Also, it should comply with the respective national and general data privacy rules/norms.


For ensuring reliability based on defined business rules, the SDEX technological solution, including the related digital infrastructure, ensure the authenticity and immutability of the digital version of the documents.


Data sharing should be voluntary and only limited to the data related to the generation & exchange of documents and execution of the business transaction between/among the transacting parties.


For transparency and compliance with the regulatory provisions, the SDEX technology should provide a comprehensive audit trail of the transaction(s) of the digital version of documents.
